Active Learning Blog

Fred Krazeise

Fred Krazeise is the social media strategist and community manager for Echo360 social media properties. He’s passionate about the power of technology and its’ ability to transform the way we teach, learn, and live. Fred holds a M.A. Education degree from Chapman University.

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May 14, 2014 11:56:00 AM by Fred Krazeise

Increasing grades when active learning is used in STEM education

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May 7, 2014 4:00:00 PM by Fred Krazeise

Active Learning Comes to Life at Case Western Reserve University

When you flip a STEM class of more than 300 students, students and teachers both learn important lessons.

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May 1, 2014 11:54:00 AM by Fred Krazeise

Active Learning Comes to Life

Educators from across North America share their fearless teaching experiences at the 2014 Active Learning Conference

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Apr 16, 2014 12:56:00 PM by Fred Krazeise

More Clicks, Fewer Bricks – Is the Lecture Hall Obsolete?

Two teams faced off to an Oxford style debate last week on NPR to argue the motion, “More Clicks, Fewer Bricks: The Lecture Hall is Obsolete.” The team debating for the motion was comprised of EdX founder and MIT professor Anant Agarwal along with Ben Nelson, Chairman and CEO of The Minerva Project. The team debating against the motion consisted of Jonathon Cole, former provost and dean of faculties at Columbia University and Rebecca Schuman, writer, speaker, adjunct professor and activist on behalf of adjunct and contingent faculty in the U.S.

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Apr 8, 2014 1:13:00 PM by Fred Krazeise

Dell and Echo360 Partnership Expands


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