By submitting an e3 Tech Grant application, you agree to the following:
Acknowledgments of Grant Winner Responsibilities, Appropriate Uses of Grant Funds and Reporting Integrity
The grant resources will be used at the named organization/institution and in the manner described in this application.
The resources provided by Echo360, Inc. to any grant winner may not be used to renew existing software licenses for any current products.
You will provide Echo360, Inc. with all receipts documenting how grant funds were spent to be evaluated against this application.
Your manager/team is aware of and has agreed to support the proposal described in this application.
Your manager/team has agreed to, when needed or helpful, participate in grant-related activities including a kick-off and/or onboarding meeting(s) with Echo360 after being awarded a grant and a Report Back meeting near the end of the six-month grant term.
You will produce a “Report Back” document summarizing the outcomes of your research to be published for your peers on the e.PL online community.
It is the responsibility of the grant winner to provide Echo360, Inc. the documentation and information required to receive grant funds.
e.PL Community Leader Expectations
You agree to participate and/or present at any of the following regular e.PL community activities, virtual and in-person, provided adequate advanced notice and financial support where needed on a case-by-case basis for travel expenses: Echo360’s EchoExperience annual conference, regional-, industry- and profession-specific conferences and symposia, Echo360 webinars, e.PL workshops, e.PL mentorship program for new grant winners, e.PL online Community Site leader, Echo360 video interviews, Echo360 e.PL stories, and Echo360 EchoCast stories.
Technical Expectations and Echo360 Communications Acknowledgements
Institutional/organizational IT and administrative permissions are in place to facilitate the implementation of Echosystem™ solutions as software, including anticipating any necessary security reviews for integrations to ensure full and protected access and functionality of the solutions for end users.
Your institution/organization has the necessary technology and infrastructure to facilitate use of the Echosystem.
Your name, research findings, and professional headshot may be used in public-facing communications related to the e3 Tech Grant Program.
Your organization/institution’s name and logos may be used in public-facing communications related to the e3 Tech Grant Program.
Acknowledging Inequities in North America
Echo360 acknowledges historical inequities in educational investments that have targeted Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs), and Career and Technical Education (CTE) institutions by offering e3 Tech Grant applicants from those institutions the opportunity to double the size of their proposal:
HBCU and HSI Grants: e3 Tech Grants for successful HBCU and HSI applicants may be up to double in size. EchoImpact Grant proposals may be up to $4,000 USD in research funding, and EchoInnovation Grant proposals may be up to $10,000 USD in Echosystem™ solutions equivalent.
CTE Grants: e3 Tech Grants for successful applicants from CTE Institutions may be up to double in size. EchoImpact Grant proposals may be up to $4,000 USD in research funding, and EchoInnovation Grant proposals may be up to $10,000 USD in Echosystem™ solutions equivalent.