Active Learning Blog

Accessibility: Leveling the Learning Field

Jun 13, 2015 7:00:00 AM by Echo360

WPI is using lecture capture to reach students with physical disabilities and learning differences



In addition to navigating the complexities of college life, visually and hearing impaired students and those who have ADHD or other learning differences face additional struggles to keep up in the classroom.

Many institutions, like Worcester Polytechnic Institute, are turning to lecture capture solutions to accommodate students with unique accessibility needs and meet ADA requirements. 

WPI students with physical and learning disabilities can learn at their own pace viewing their recorded lectures in Echo360 assisted with accessibility features that include:

  • Video player keyboard controls and closed captioning
  • Jaws screen reader support 
  • Tab accessible page navigation 

Recording lectures is also helping WPI students who have to miss class for extended periods of time due to circumstances such as illness, surgery or sports-related concussions.

Aaron Ferguson, WPI Director of Disability Services, recognizes the ways Echo360 lecture capture has helped improve the learning experience for the many students his department supports. “I think Echo360 helping in a lot of different ways. It’s really helping our office on an administrative level to be able to have open access, as part of the courses,” he said. “That open access accommodates students that have a wide range of disabilities.”

Learn more about how WPI is using Echo360 to enable accessibility for all of its students:

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