Active Learning Blog

7 Things You Can Do with EchoSystem 5.4 - Part 1

Feb 4, 2014 2:00:00 PM by Echo360

At Echo360, our mission is to make active learning and lecture capture easy to use for instructors and students, while streamlining system maintenance and management for administrators.

We are thrilled to introduce EchoSystem 5.4, the latest version of our active learning and lecture capture solution, which does all of the above. It’s now easier than ever for instructors to create and share educational content and reach more students on their favorite mobile devices while administrators benefit from reduced storage costs and enhanced reliability.

To commemorate this release, we’ll be running a blog series focusing on how EchoSystem 5.4 simplifies active learning for instructors, students and administrators.

We’ll take you step-by-step through the 7 easy things EchoSystem 5.4 enables, starting with the benefits for instructors and students. Next up, we’ll illustrate how EchoSystem 5.4 makes administrators’ jobs easier. Last but not least, learn more about how to upgrade and start experiencing the benefits of EchoSystem 5.4 across your campus.

Let’s begin with the first 4 of the 7 things made easier with EchoSystem 5.4, designed with instructors and students in mind:

1.       Easily Capture and Publish

A new flexible software solution makes creating and auto-publishing content a breeze for instructors. Compatible with Windows 7 and 8, this solution also enables instructors to capture audio with two independent video streams both inside and outside of the classroom.

2.       Start Your Own Teaching Blog

Now you can embed the EchoPlayer directly into your own blog or other teaching sites.  Sharing your content is as easy as sharing a YouTube video.

          3.      Capture with Confidence

No more guessing games as to whether or not the cameras are rolling. A new on-air check lets you capture with confidence, indicating exactly when recording is underway.  This affordable device lights up red during recording, blinks yellow when paused and flashes green when recording is complete. 

4.       Reach More Students

Echo360 supports Android 4.0+ with HTML 5 video pseudo-streaming that works on students’ favorite browsers, including Google Chrome, Kindle Fire Silk and more.

The primary teaching input – either video or display – along with audio, will appear on virtually any smartphone. The recordings dynamically adapt to fit the multitude of tablet screen sizes used by today’s digital students.  Previous support for earlier version of Android and iOS7 remains unchanged.

Want to know more? Watch this short video to see how EchoSystem 5.4 can make active learning and lecture capture easier for instructors, students and administrators across your campus.

Ready to upgrade? Visit the customer portal.

In our next blog post, you’ll learn how EchoSystem 5.4 makes system management and support simple and stress-free for administrators.