Active Learning Blog


We’re passionate about teaching and learning! 3M+ students love our active learning technology for a more collaborative, social and engaging college experience.

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Sep 25, 2014 1:32:00 PM by Echo360

Students Talking Back: Taking Awkward Out of Class Participation

With the Active Learning Platform, it’s never been easier to boost engagement levels and get everyone (yes, even the most disengaged trying to disappear in the back row) involved in the discussion.

Because if they’re not talking or asking questions, they could be either A) surfing social media, B) zoned out, or C) all of the above.

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Sep 17, 2014 9:00:00 AM by Echo360

Lecture Capture: Liberate and Calculate the Learning Moment

Source: Chronicle of Higher Education, Tools That College Students Wish Their Instructors Used Either More or Less, 2013; Research conducted by Educause Center for Analysis and Research; Findings developed from a representative sample of 10,000 students from 226 American colleges and universities

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Feb 4, 2014 2:00:00 PM by Echo360

7 Things You Can Do with EchoSystem 5.4 - Part 1

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