Active Learning Blog

Fred Krazeise

Fred Krazeise is the social media strategist and community manager for Echo360 social media properties. He’s passionate about the power of technology and its’ ability to transform the way we teach, learn, and live. Fred holds a M.A. Education degree from Chapman University.

Recent Posts

Feb 19, 2015 12:45:00 PM by Fred Krazeise

The 3 Lecture Capture Metrics that Matter

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Feb 17, 2015 6:00:00 AM by Fred Krazeise

Active Learning: Flipped, Scrambled, but Never Over-Easy


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Feb 11, 2015 6:00:00 AM by Fred Krazeise

Maximizing Your Lecture Capture Investment – Webinar

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Feb 10, 2015 8:00:00 AM by Fred Krazeise

Student Engagement: The Antidote for Absenteeism


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Jan 6, 2015 2:21:00 PM by Fred Krazeise

Echo360 Lecture Capture Makes the Grade at Yale University


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