Active Learning Blog

Echo360 Lecture Capture Makes the Grade at Yale University

Jan 6, 2015 2:21:00 PM by Fred Krazeise


More than 2 million students at 625 institutions in more than 30 countries around the world use Echo360. Those are very impressive numbers. But, it is also important to look at the experience institutions have with Echo360 at a more granular level – within an individual classroom.

We get such a view from Dr. Douglas McKee (@TeachBetterCo) a lecturer at Yale University, where he teaches in the school’s economics department and statistical methods in Yale’s medical school. Dr. McKee has published several articles on his personal blog outlining his experience with lecture capture using the Echo360 Active Learning Platform.

In his most recent post, Echo360 Video Lecture Capture Gets an A, Dr. McKee describes how he uses video lecture capture in his undergraduate econometrics class. This is a large (150+ student) lecture class and Dr. McKee was not sure what the impact of recorded lectures would be. Would students view the recorded lectures? Would students not show up for class knowing that lectures are available online for viewing? The bottom line: students loved having video lectures available especially when it came time to review for exams. Oh, and students also viewed the recorded lectures AND came to class.

If you’re an Echo360 user, we’d love to hear about your experiences. Follow us on Twitter or Facebook and join the conversation!