Active Learning Blog

Fred Krazeise

Fred Krazeise is the social media strategist and community manager for Echo360 social media properties. He’s passionate about the power of technology and its’ ability to transform the way we teach, learn, and live. Fred holds a M.A. Education degree from Chapman University.

Recent Posts

Mar 4, 2014 5:01:00 PM by Fred Krazeise

MOOCs: Breaking Down The Top Four Concerns of Paying Students

Do you remember the contagious 1989 hit song from Janet Jackson, “What Have You Done for Me Lately”? The catchy tagline is a resounding theme for today’s tuition-paying students when it comes to their institutions’ investments in MOOCs.

  1. Herding Cats
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Feb 25, 2014 12:00:00 AM by Fred Krazeise

STEM and the Flipped Classroom: A Perfect Match

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Feb 19, 2014 12:08:00 PM by Fred Krazeise

Big Data Meets Active Learning Technology

Creative Use of Student Analytics Can Boost Engagement in Large Lecture Classes - See more at:
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Feb 11, 2014 11:39:00 AM by Fred Krazeise

7 Easy Things You Can Do with EchoSystem 5.4 (Part 2)


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Dec 16, 2013 2:24:00 PM by Fred Krazeise

Save the Date for the 2014 EMEA User Community Conference

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