Active Learning Blog

Big Data Meets Active Learning Technology

Feb 19, 2014 12:08:00 PM by Fred Krazeise

Creative Use of Student Analytics Can Boost Engagement in Large Lecture Classes - See more at:

Creative Use of Student Analytics can Boost Engagement in Large Lecture Classes

It seems that everywhere you turn these days you run into the “big data” phenomenon. But, as it was pointed out in a recent GIGAOM article featuring LectureTools creator, Dr. Perry Samson, collecting data on student performance is not solely the province of massively open online courses (MOOCs). A key component of any successful active learning system is the ability to collect information about how your students interact with your course lecture and materials.


The key takeaway: instructors now have the unique ability to collect data on student engagement, learning behaviors and their influence on outcomes that they never had in the past.

What are some of the key “big data” or analytical insights that a complete active learning system can provide administrators and instructors?

1)  Instructors can learn whether or not students have even viewed their lecture recordings. They can even identify specific points in a lecture recording where students are lingering and then further explore those topics in class.

2)  Analytics give instructors the ability to see which students are asking questions and what their questions are. This type of participation data helps instructors identify potentially “at-risk” students earlier in the term.

3)  One of the most powerful components of active learning technology is the platform for student collaboration. Instructors can view online student discussions and facilitate additional discussion by answering questions and weighing in on hot topics. This can be done both online and in-class.

Read the full article on GIGAOM.

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