Active Learning Blog

      First Ever Canvas Gradebook Integration for Lecture Capture

      Jun 16, 2015 7:30:00 AM by Echo360


      Integrations, or the ability to work with seamlessly with other technology systems, should be at the top of every lecture capture shopper’s checklist. Integrations fuel adoption, lower staff time to maintain solutions and increase student satisfaction.

      That’s why we’re especially excited to announce an expanded partnership with Canvas by Instructure today. This is a partnership with major chops that offers more than the traditional lecture capture integration.  The videos and course materials still get populated into the Canvas UI, but shared Echo360/Instructure customers also get:

      • No-Click Course Creation:  Once course is set up or students are enrolled in the Active Learning Platform, that information automatically shows up in Canvas.  Hands free for the instructor and staff.  Major win.
      • First-of-its-Kind Gradebook Integration:  This is where it gets cool.  Echo360 is the only lecture capture provider that supports in-class activities, digital note taking, polls, questions, peer-to-peer learning…and the list goes on. These activities throw off educational data that tells instructors how students are progressing. All of this data is shared with the Canvas Gradebook automatically – a first for Canvas users from lecture capture providers.  For instructors who use participation as part of the overall grade, there is no extra work to get it into the LMS. Makes the video viewing data that many lecture capture vendors put in the LMS look a little lonely, doesn’t it?

      The added bonus is that the integration is achieved using the LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability) standard.  Unlike other lecture capture solutions that use old-style “building blocks” that break and need updating with every release, Echo360 has embraced LTI as an uber stable, completely open and eliminates the need for custom work on integrations.

      There are even more integration choices with a state-of-the-art lecture capture like the Active Learning Platform provide. The question for you is this: Does your lecture capture solution give you such choice and flexibility? If not, this could prove to be a hassle and add additional cost burden for your IT team as you strive to keep your solutions future-proof and streamlined.

      Want to learn more? Take our 5-Minute Lecture Capture Quiz.

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