Active Learning Blog

How Technology Provides a Path for Better Learning

Apr 6, 2015 7:30:00 AM by Echo360


The challenge for today's educator is finding ways to encourage better learning among students who have an increasingly lower engagement rate with traditional teaching methods. New teaching technology can assist educators in creating a learning path that encourages students not only to learn, but also to understand and retain what they have learned. With the right technology, instructors can build strong relationships with their students, assess progress more effectively, and enhance student outcomes.

Technology Strengthens the Student-Instructor Relationship

New teaching technology creates a platform that allows instructors and students to connect on an individual basis. Rather than an instructor simply presenting a lecture and asking for student responses, which may come from just a handful of students, technology enables the instructor to flip the classroom, sending learning material home with students and building on what they already learned in the classroom.

Technology can also allow for individualized instruction, giving students assistance and instruction exactly where and when it is needed. With instant feedback from students, using tools like those in the Echo360 Active Learning Platform, instructors can tailor their instruction to the exact needs of the students in their classes.

Technology Allows for Better Assessment

Technology that collects learning analytics can help instructors better assess student learning before students even take their first exam. For example, dashboards within the Echo360 Active Learning Platform provide instructors with a daily report that shows which students are participating in class. This information can be used to assess where students may need further intervention or further clarification of confusing topics. 

Technology Creates More Complete Learning

Above all, new teaching technology improves student learning outcomes. By tailoring instruction based on real-time feedback, building the student-instructor relationship and better assessing learning, educators are able to be more effective in the classroom. According to a report from America's Promise Alliance, technology in the classroom has a consistent positive effect on student achievement, especially when it is used to support teaching.

Supporting instructors is exactly what Echo360 is designed to do. Echo360 allows instructors to create an interactive classroom, making their instruction more effective and personalized. 

Find out how the Echo360 Active Learning Platform helps instructors keep students on the road to success all along their educational journey - watch the video: