Active Learning Blog

Kick Off June with 30 Days of #LectureCapture

Jun 1, 2015 7:00:00 AM by Echo360

These days, “lecture capture” is as familiar a term as “final exam” on campuses of higher learning around the world. Millions of students, who’ve grown up in the age of technology and YouTube, can’t even begin to imagine what learning was like before the days of lecture capture and on-demand content.

But there’s much more to lecture capture than just the mere capture and playback of lecture video. To future-proof your technology investment and truly drive better learning outcomes with modern, tech-savvy students, it takes much more than that.

Which is why we are dedicating the entire month of June to 30 Days of #LectureCapture.

Every day this month, we are highlighting a different topic that that will make you view lecture capture in a whole new light.  During the next 30 days, you’ll want to follow the blog and check out our Facebook and Twitter posts for the fun facts of the day.

From using learning analytics for identifying at-risk student to creating engaging instructional content in a snap, you’ll find a topic (or two or three) that will answer any and all of your current lecture capture questions.  You’ll also find some great infographics and interactive resources with tried and true tips to help you optimize your lecture capture ROI.

We’ve listed out all of the feature topics for the 30 Days of #LectureCapture on a handy, downloadable calendar that you can print out for your desk. Follow along each day to learn why lecture capture as you know it may not be enough when it comes to improving student success.

Here are 6 more reasons to stay tuned throughout the month:

  • Learn the secrets to lecture capture success from leading universities who are leading the way
  • Uncover creative ways to fund your lecture capture initiative
  • Pinpoint which lecture capture solutions can best meet your school’s unique needs
  • Find out how lecture capture can reduce the load and save money for your overtasked IT team
  • Read valuable research on lecture capture’s impact on student outcomes
  • Discover additional ways to use modern lecture capture to engage your students