Active Learning Blog

Leslie's List: It’s All About the Students

Feb 13, 2015 8:00:00 AM by Echo360




Last week, my blog post focused on best practices and handy tips for flipping your classroom. In today’s round up of the best posts around the Web, we’re looking at things from the student POV. Because let’s face it, that’s why we all do what we do – to give students the best learning experience possible and prepare them for the “real world.”

Here are some of the most compelling student-centric bits of content that came across my radar the past few days:

  • Snow + Sickness = Stressed Out Students. Discover how one innovative Yale professor uses technology to keep everyone on track should they miss class. 
  • We’re doing students a disservice in preparing them for college by leaving active learning out of the mix. 
  • Struggling with procrastinating students? 15 tips to keep them on track. 
  • What sets higher performing students apart from the pack? Check out some of their habits for success
  • Solely online classes don’t work for many students. They miss instructor interaction.
  • How high school seniors can survive the endless wait for college acceptance letters.

On a separate topic, Valentine’s Day is only one day away. So I couldn’t resist including these hilarious but cheesy ed tech pickup lines in honor of the occasion. Try them at your own risk but they probably work better in tandem with flowers or chocolates.

While you're making your weekend plans, don't forget to register for our upcoming Webinar, Maximizing Your Lecture Capture Investment.

You don’t want to miss this panel of IT leaders and educators from Case Western Reserve University as they share their secrets for future-proofing your technology investment and using Echo360 to drive institutional strategies.

Mark your calendars for February 18 and join us for this complimentary event.

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