Active Learning Blog

Not All Mobile Lecture Capture Solutions Are Created Equal

Jun 25, 2015 7:00:00 AM by Echo360



As mobile devices proliferate and learning increasingly happens anywhere at any time, one secret weapon separates the good from the great: HTML5.

In techie terms, it allows lecture capture providers, like Echo360, to make file sizes 40 percent smaller and increase throughput. In terms of learning, the real-life and practical usability benefits are many:

  • Built for mobile, HTML5 means no apps, no fuss—for optimal remote learning. It just works with virtually any device available.
  • HTML5 takes learning to the next level by creating a richer online experience - supporting live videos, webcasts and other rich media content.
  • Smaller files mean that users with older devices (like many budget-strapped students) don’t have to endure a lesser-quality experience.
  • It also means that students don’t have to dread studying from a venue with less than blazing connectivity, like the coffee shop with weak Wi-Fi or the home of your family member who’s still living in a dial-up world.

Beyond the technical details, HTML5 brings the following scenario to life: The content that instructors capture on their laptops can be easily consumed by students on their laptops and tablets, while experiencing HD quality with interactive learning features. They can access their lectures, slides, notes and discussions literally anyway and on devices of their choice. These are just a few of the ways that Echo360 is created with our increasingly mobile world in mind.

See for yourself how Echo360 empowers mobile learning to extend the classroom. Attend the free demo on June 30.

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