While student response systems (SRS) have been around well over a decade, it is not until recently that I have started taking advantage of their pedagogical benefits. In the span of time since my first implementation of SRS-associated peer-instruction approaches (4 years ago), SRS technology has greatly evolved from hand held clickers (with analogue transmission and antenna reception) to Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) cloud-based classroom interaction systems. Undeniably, the evolution of cloud-based SRSs such LectureTools has opened the door to teaching and learning approaches that were previously not possible to implement or were limiting in nature. For example, the ability to ask questions using varying types of formats, including short answer questions, image quizzes, ordering, in addition to multiple choice questions via cloud-based systems support the efforts of educators to enhance the classroom experience. Additionally, built-in features such as “ask an anonymous question” and the “confused flag”, give students additional opportunities to communicate with their professor during class time. There are yet other features that empower professors to build a stronger learning community by creating seamless links between students and the professor.
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