Active Learning Blog

Leslie's List: Is It Spring Yet?

Feb 27, 2015 4:02:07 PM by Echo360



This week has been another doozy in terms of cold and snowy weather throughout most of the United States. I’m confident that I’m just one of millions wondering if spring will ever arrive and why we keep asking a bucktoothed (but cute and cuddly) groundhog his opinion on the matter.

Nonetheless, being stuck inside this week gave me plenty of time to peruse the Internet for this week’s best ed tech content. 

Grab your cup of coffee and tea (or whatever your warm beverage of choice) and catch up on some of the most interesting posts this week:

  • Speaking of winter, did you see what Dr. Perry Samson of University of Michigan is doing to facilitate learning as usual during this record-breaking cold? Read about it here.
  • Discover the 6 trends currently driving technology adoption in higher education.
  • Snapchat, Twitter and other social sites aren’t just for sharing cat videos or funny Vines. 40% of students use these tools to touch base with instructors and tutors.
  • How does flexibility relate to instructors’ career longevity? Here are the top 10 issues regarding career flexibility for college and university instructors.
  • Blended learning is a marathon. The fastest innovators with their eye on the prize have the power to transform and improve the learning experience for students from all walks of life.

That’s it for now but you’ll want to be sure to subscribe to the blog for a very exciting guest blog series debuting next week!

Our guest blogger, an Associate Professor from the University of Ottawa, will be sharing his experience using a student engagement solution to increase class participation to 99% in classes with 200 students. Hear how he transformed his large classes into an active learning zone and the positive impact this new teaching model had on his students' outcomes.