Active Learning Blog

What's Happening in Ed Tech: Halloween Edition

Oct 31, 2014 8:52:00 AM by Echo360



To commemorate Halloween, I’ve decided to forego the cute costumed puppy pics (we’ve featured several as of late) and honor our cat-loving readers out there.

So here’s my obligatory kitten picture - wishing you all more treats than tricks this Halloween!



Before I get sugar overload from all the Halloween candy, here’s what I found most interesting in the world of ed tech this week:

  • One ed tech professional presents some great tips for turning smartphones into tools for learning during the recent HighEdWeb2014 conference. The Active Learning Platform can help you put her suggestions into action.
  • Mindlessly surfing the Internet is a guilty pleasure for many of us, especially students. Now they can do it for course credit.
  • With all the teaching technologies on the market today, how do keep your skills from becoming obsolete? Here are 7 ways to keep up in the rapidly changing technology landscape without going back to school.
  • Active learning isn’t just limited to students in the physical classroom. Discover how to activate the learning experience for online students.

And finally, discover all the high-tech gadgets you can check out at many college libraries. Makes me want to go back and become a student all over again!

Be sure to check the blog next week for some of the great things we brought back from the Active Learning Conference in Austin.