Active Learning Blog

Your Anytime, Anywhere, Lecture Capture Study Buddy

Jun 6, 2015 7:00:00 AM by Echo360


For the last 50 years, studying went a little something like this: Student goes to class, takes notes on the parts that seem important in a notebook…and in the margins of the textbook and on loose leaf paper he or she had to borrow from a friend. Then, when it came time to study for the exam, the student was left to assemble his or her disordered notes and make sense of the chicken scratch with little context.

We knew we could help students do better. We had already made the student active in the interface from the beginning—taking notes, participating in discussions, asking questions, marking important insights, and capitalizing on every learning moment.  

So we created an easy-to-use digital study guide that consolidates all of these interactions and activity.

No one else puts it all in one place

By making the compiled output of personal and social learning tools accessible on any device, from any browser, the Echo360 Study Guide offers more than any other lecture capture solution. That’s because we created it on the belief that studying is more than re-watching a presentation. Students should have their own personal narratives of their courses.

This guide, with its easy-to-review interface, makes for more efficient studying. It also acts as an incentive for active learning. The more a student engages with a course through methods such as digital note taking, the more information and references he or she creates for studying. All this activity generates valuable data, drives improved learning outcomes and becomes a major payoff for students and instructors.

Do more, learn more

With the Echo360 Study Guide, students can:

  • Access all content from every class, through one interface
  • Bookmark a slide or exact moment in a video recording, and return to it at any time
  • Personalize the view - for example, by maximizing or minimizing the player screen or slide presentation
  • Revisit all of a course’s activity – Q&A’s, to polls, quizzes and more – to keep learning from peers (even during a solo, late-night study session)

Discover how you can get more value from your lecture capture. Register to attend the Live Demo on June 30.

 Register for Demo Day