Active Learning Blog

Summer’s Halfway Over. Time to Act on Your Lecture Capture Plan.

Jun 30, 2015 7:00:00 AM by Echo360


The-30-Days-of-Lecture-Capture-Calendar Click on the calendar to read the individual blogs for each of the 30 Days of Lecture Capture.


We hope you’ve picked up some great tips and fun facts over the course of the 30 Days of Lecture Capture that have changed the way you’ll view lecture capture technology forever. If you took the quiz in the Five-Minute Lecture Capture Quiz eBook, you may have found that your current solution might already be a relic in the same guise as the 8-track tape in comparison to modern solutions like the Echo360 Active Learning Platform.

With summer upon us here in the U.S. and Europe (and a new semester starting for those in Australia/New Zealand), NOW is the time to break the mold and put a future-proof lecture capture plan in place. Start by joining us for Demo Day today to take a free test drive of the Echo360 Active Learning Platform.

When it comes to improving learning outcomes, simply recording lectures and putting them online just won’t cut it anymore. During the free demo of the Active Learning Platform, you’ll experience six of the cutting-edge capabilities in our solution that take learning and engagement to the next level, including:

  • Your choice of hardware or software capture options – you’re not restricted to a one-size-fits-all solution.
  • Personalized, online study guides with students’ notes, recordings, slides and class activity all housed in one place, putting context around the content to create a one-stop digital study hall.
  • Learning analytics that offer valuable behavioral data to help instructors track student progress, providing opportunities for intervention before it’s too late.
  • Content management features designed specifically for instructors – giving them total control when it comes to easily creating, locating and sharing instructional content.
  • Student engagement features like polling, quizzing and confused buttons to get students participating and boost social learning inside and outside of the classroom.
  • A SaaS-based platform that supports stress-free scaling and system management. Leave the administrative and hosting headaches to the pros.

If your solution doesn’t do any of the aforementioned things, how can you count on it to go the distance when it comes to improving teaching and learning outcomes across your institution?