Active Learning Blog

Adopting Adaptive Learning

Nov 21, 2013 3:22:00 PM by Fred Krazeise


Dr. Perry Samson, the creator of LectureTools will speak at Online Educa Berlin on Friday, December 6, from 11:45 – 13:45. The topic of his presentation is Adopting Adaptive Learning.

Dr. Samson will discuss how the latest generation adaptive learning systems are aimed at maximizing the educational process for formal and non-formal education, combining real-time data mining systems with tailored programs. He will also highlight practical examples using LectureTools during this session.

If you’ve not had a chance to hear Dr. Samson speak before, we offer you this short video titled, “Lecture Tools is Easy.”




Dr. Perry Samson, creator of LectureTools to speak at Online Educa Berlin - See more at: