Active Learning Blog


We’re passionate about teaching and learning! 3M+ students love our active learning technology for a more collaborative, social and engaging college experience.

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Jun 8, 2015 7:00:00 AM by Echo360

Lecture Capture Analytics have Graduated to Learning Analytics


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Jun 7, 2015 7:00:00 AM by Echo360

Peer-to-Peer Instructor Training Helps Instructors Succeed

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Jun 6, 2015 7:00:00 AM by Echo360

Your Anytime, Anywhere, Lecture Capture Study Buddy


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Jun 4, 2015 7:02:00 AM by Echo360

Active Learning: Better for Student Engagement & Outcomes?

There are a lot of lecture capture players out there in the marketplace today. However, for improving outcomes in and out of the classroom, YouTube-style lecture capture players that mainly show video and slide content simply don’t go far enough to improve learning.

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Jun 1, 2015 7:00:00 AM by Echo360

Kick Off June with 30 Days of #LectureCapture

These days, “lecture capture” is as familiar a term as “final exam” on campuses of higher learning around the world. Millions of students, who’ve grown up in the age of technology and YouTube, can’t even begin to imagine what learning was like before the days of lecture capture and on-demand content.

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