Active Learning Blog

The #Edtech / #Edchat Recap for July 24, 2015

Jul 24, 2015 7:00:00 AM by Fred Krazeise



For our customers in Australia and New Zealand, it is the middle of autumn. But for those of us in the U.S., Canada and across Europe, we’re enjoying the height of summer. It’s normally a “slow” time of year with everyone on vacation or holiday. But, a number of interesting #edtech and #edchat articles came across our Twitter feed this week. We hope you enjoy them!

Open, online education neither threatens the traditional university experience nor will it replace teachers or learning that occurs in the classroom. Read more about the 7 Common Mistakes About Open Online Education.

Articles appear weekly questioning the value of higher education. But did you know that Higher Education Can Help You Live Longer? A recently published study found people who receive higher education outlive those who do not. What’s more, it also found that failing to obtain a high education could be as detrimental to a person’s life as smoking cigarettes.That is a pretty good return on investment!
Universities and educators have clearly come around to the idea of online and distance learning. In the U.S., over a third of all higher education students are taking at least one of their courses online. And, more than 12% of students here are enrolled in online courses exclusively. What does it take for those students to succeed? Read the 7 Tips for Being a Successful Online Student.
Tablets, smartphones, and even laptops where once viewed as a scourge to learning. More and more institutions and instructors are working to incorporate learning at any time and on any device. Here’s a peek into the (not-so) distant future and explore What Wearable Tech Could Mean for The Classroom.
If you are able to take time off this summer and are looking to add to your summer reading list, here are some great Educational Books that Transform Teaching and Learning. Enjoy!

Finally, if you haven’t taken the Five-Minute Lecture Capture Quiz, add this eBook to your reading list for keys as to what to look for in a time-tested lecture capture solution.

Want to expand your school's online reach? Discover how lecture capture can help