Active Learning Blog

Educause 2013 - Flying High

Oct 17, 2013 11:34:00 AM by Fred Krazeise


Visit us in booth 529 to take a tour of the 5 components of active learning technology!

We called out for the fearless faculty and they arrived! They came to our booth in great numbers on the first day of Educause.  And, in a highly entertaining Educause “poster session,” Dr. Perry Samson showed how it is possible to create a fun and engaging learning environment while walking around his large lecture courses teaching from his iPad!

Here’s what’s happening on day 2:

  • 9:10 – 10:00 a.m.  Lecture Capture: An Accessible Technology, Ballroom D. You’ll hear from Kate Beverage, Assistant Director, Academic Technology Center and Aaron Ferguson, Director, Office of Disability Services, Worcester Polytechnic Institute. This presentation focuses on how WPI uses the Echo360 lecture capture solution to provide accommodations for students with disabilities to improve accessibility and ease of access.
  • ·2:40 – 3:30 p.m. Learning Analytics for Educational Design and Student Predictions: Beyond the Hype with Real-Life Examples.  Dr. Perry Samson returns to talk about how learning analytics are being used to provide adaptive learning opportunities for students.

And don’t forget to take your tour of the 5 key components of an active learning system:

  • Course replay – quickly and easily upload your course material and lecture videos. Students can view the recordings anytime, anywhere and from any device.
  • Student engagement – Increase student participation in your classes. Easily add polls, quizzes, and surveys and ditch the clickers as students participate in your class using their own device.
  • ·Distance learning and MOOCs – See how the Echo360 system can reach more students and extend learning beyond the classroom and boundaries of the campus.  The world is now your classroom.
  • ·Flip your classroom – Assign lecture videos before class to have your students come to class ready to discuss, share and apply what they have learned the night before.
  • Learning analytics and indicators – Learning analytics within our active learning system help you peer into the minds of your students. Know what your students don’t know. Identify at-risk students,

So, what are you waiting for? Join us today on the final day of the Educause exhibition! Join our fearless faculty!