Active Learning Blog

Educause 2013 – Ready, set, lift-off!

Oct 16, 2013 12:57:00 PM by Fred Krazeise


Visit us in Booth 529 to take a tour of the 5 components of active learning technology

It’s time to join our fearless faculty. The exhibit hall doors will open promptly at 9:30 AM today and you’ll be able to see the most widely used active learning solution in use in education today. Visit us in booth 529 and take a tour of the 5 key components of an active learning system

  • Course replay – quickly and easily upload your course material and lecture videos. Students can view the recordings anytime, anywhere and from any device.
  • Student engagement – Increase student participation in your classes. Easily add polls, quizzes, and surveys and ditch the clickers as students participate in your class using their own device.
  • Distance learning and MOOCs – See how the Echo360 system can reach more students and extend learning beyond the classroom and boundaries of the campus.  The world is now your classroom.
  • Flip your classroom – Assign lecture videos before class to have your students come to class ready to discuss, share and apply what they have learned the night before.
  • Learning analytics and indicators – Learning analytics within our active learning system help you peer into the minds of your students. Know what your students don’t know. Identify at-risk students.

Join Dr. Perry Samson, creator of LectureTools, the most widely used student engagement system, as he presents “Lecturing with an iPad.” This Educause “poster session” demonstrates mobile learning in action. Learn how LectureTools lets instructors present, ask questions, monitor responses and feedback and connect with students while roaming throughout the classroom. You’ll want Perry’s autograph after he shows you how to turn your classroom into a mobile, interactive learning environment.

You don’t have to do it all. But you have to start somewhere. So, are you ready? Are you ready to join the ranks of the fearless faculty? Visit us in booth 529. Your journey starts today.