Active Learning Blog

Leslie's List: Almost Year's End Edition

Dec 19, 2014 5:54:32 AM by Echo360

It’s hard to believe but this is actually the last Leslie’s List of 2014. Where oh where has this year gone? When I post again, it will be 2015 and officially 6 months until my twins graduate from high school (cue the crocodile tears).


So it’s only natural that this post begins with a 2014 recap of all the exciting happenings here at Echo360 along with the top 5 trends we’ll be watching for in the coming year:

  • Top 5 Active Learning Predictions for 2015

Here are a few other nuggets I found when I wasn’t working (or online shopping) during this busy holiday week:

  • Nothing brings a smile to your face quite like a dog. Match these college presidents to their presidential pups. Because it’s fun and you could use a stress break right about now.
  • Are your students surfing social media in class? Of course they are. If you’re not using a student engagement solution to deter use of social media during class, here are a few apps that might help by blocking access to Facebook, Twitter and other sites.
  • How does your institution address the issue of accessibility on your campus? This article offers some great tips on how to better serve students with learning disabilities. Watch this video to see how WPI is using technology to accommodate individual learning styles and make learning accessible to all students.
  • The holidays are here! Take a peek at some of the top holiday greetings in higher ed this season.

And on that festive note, I want to wish you all a joyous holiday season and a very happy and safe New Year. See you in 2015!