Active Learning Blog

Leslie's List: Change is Good Edition

Apr 10, 2015 4:11:00 PM by Echo360


The old adage "times have changed" is an understatement when it comes to the role technology plays in the life of today's students. Case in point: The modern college student arrives on campus with an average of 7 tech devices!

So today's round up of the best ed tech and higher ed articles will feature posts focusing on technology-driven change and tips for teaching in this ever-changing environment, Here are some of the top posts in this category from the week ending April 10:

  • A visual timeline of the evolution of classroom technology. I'm dating myself, but I remember the overhead projector well. 
  • How innovative institutions are leveraging tech tools of change.
  • Why Gen Z is driving the future of higher education.
  • Social media is changing how we gather and share information. Tips for using Twitter for teaching and learning. 
  • Introducing tech into your classroom? These 4 skills will simplify the process.

When it comes to embracing change in the form of teaching technology, Dr. Colin Montpetit of the University of Ottawa has first hand experience. Find out how he transformed the devices that students were already using into tools for learning and engagement and increased his class participation rate by 49%.