Active Learning Blog

Leslie's List: New Year/New Semester Edition

Jan 9, 2015 8:30:00 AM by Echo360



To kick off a new year and new semester, here’s a great selfie of Echo360 Head of Teaching Innovation, Dr. Perry Samson, on his first day of class this week at the University of Michigan.



It’s hard to believe it’s 2015 and we're already starting the second semester.

2015 is a big year in my house with my twin boys set to graduate from high school in less than 6 months. Which brings the topic of higher education and ed tech even nearer and dearer to my heart; one son got his first college acceptance letter over the holidays!

There’s sure to be loads of change and exciting news in the rapidly changing world of ed tech this year. As always, keep reading each week for everything you need to know and then some.

Here’s what’s happening the first “official” week of 2015:

  • What will 2015 bring for ed tech? 4 CIOs give their two cents.
  • Lecture capture done right. See how UMass Lowell is helping students and instructors.
  • Need resources to kick off your blended learning program? Check out this list.
  • Does lecture capture make the grade? Find out from this Yale professor.
  • What’s the most important higher ed story for 2015? Transforming large lecture classes through blended learning. 

Happy reading and cheers to a great new semester!