Active Learning Blog

Leslie's List: SOTU Edition

Jan 23, 2015 8:30:00 AM by Echo360





If you live the US, you know the water cooler talk this week surrounds President Obama’s State of the Union Address. As expected, the President officially detailed the plan and driving factors behind his America’s College Promise (#FreeCommunityCollege) proposal. The proposal, which will offer two years of free community college to responsible students, would offer an alternative to those who may not otherwise pursue post-high school education. While this initiative could indeed help students obtain the necessary skills for today’s competitive work force (or move on complete a four-year program without mortgaging the farm), the proposal will most likely get stopped short by political wrangling between Congress and the Administration. 

Nonetheless, I wanted to highlight some of the more interesting pixels dedicated to the subject from:

The America’s College Promise proposal isn’t all that’s garnering its fair share of likes, retweets and shares this week. Here’s a few additional higher ed/ed tech posts that deserve a second look:

  •  What kind of technology integrator are you? Find out here.
  •  Is it just your imagination or are less students asking for office hours. (Here's where student engagement and analytics might come in handy - seeing the questions they're not asking aloud).
  • Check out the 30 hottest, not-so-hot and fizzling #edtech trends here.

That sums up this week - we'll keep you posted on any developments related to the America's College Promise proposal. It will definitely get interesting!  To make sure you're in know: