Active Learning Blog

Leslie's List: The Big Game Edition

Jan 30, 2015 8:30:00 AM by Echo360




This week brought Echo360 team members from across the US and around the globe together for our Winter Sales Meeting. Based on the informative presentations and great information shared between colleagues, it’s shaping up to be an exciting 2015 as we introduce the new Active Learning Platform into even more institutions.

One of the best presentations came from our own Head of Teaching Innovation and University of Michigan Professor, Perry Samson. As the Founder of LectureTools and one of the early adopters of the Active Learning Platform, Perry shared his firsthand experience of using the technologies to engage his students and using the analytics to keep his students on course. We’ll be sharing some of the highlights from his research on the correlation between the analytics data and student performance very soon!

Never fear – in between the busy schedule of sessions and awards dinners, I scoured the cloud for the best in ed tech/higher ed this week. It’s my passion and an ingrained habit – sort of like my daily one-pump, skim, no whip mocha that I swore I’d give up in 2015.

Without further delay, here’s the roundup of attention-grabbing posts for the week preceding the big game:

  • Find out which college major is seeing a serious decline in enrollment.
  • See how one fearless faculty member is using active learning technology to shake up his classroom.
  • Will traditional institutions of higher learning meet the same fate as the vinyl album or eight-track cassette? We say no. Read more here.
  • Boston is booming (and not just in snow totals). Read more about this new hotbed for ed tech.
  • One technologist shares his 5 takeaways upon returning to the classroom in a teaching role.

That does it for this week – time to prepare for the big game this weekend. Are you rooting for the Seattle Seahawks or New England Patriots during Super Bowl XLIX? Whatever team you choose (if any), enjoy the game, the food, the much anticipated commercials and of course, your weekend!