Active Learning Blog

Live Streaming and On-Demand Access to Lectures Improves Accessibility and Outcomes

Aug 11, 2015 7:00:00 AM by Fred Krazeise



Macquarie University, located in Sydney, Australia is committed to using technology to foster a high-quality teaching and learning environment. To fulfill their promise that guarantees all enrolled students a seat in class, they turned to Echo360. They also have been able to improve access to learning resources for students with disabilities, address the learning needs for both traditional and non-traditional students, and extend the institution’s reach beyond the boundaries of the campus.

Making room for all students: To ensure every enrolled student has a spot in the classroom, the university uses Echo360 Live Webcasting to deliver lecture content to students in overflow classrooms. This ensures that each student has a “seat in the class.”

Accessibility for all: To enhance learning for students who have hearing disabilities, Macquarie streams live lectures via Echo360, adding real-time captioning so students don’t have to juggle note-taking and sign language interpretation during lectures.

Learning beyond the campus: With Echo360, Macquarie extends the boundaries of the university and delivers rich and dynamic learning experiences to students who reside off-campus. They also stream guest lectures and seminars to hundreds of participants outside of Sydney.

Better outcomes: The majority of students surveyed agreed that having live and on-demand access to instruction strengthened their learning and resulted in higher grades.

To learn more about how Macquarie University uses Echo360 active learning technology, read their complete case study.

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