Active Learning Blog

Lecture Capture: Meet Student Engagement.

Jun 9, 2015 7:00:00 AM by Fred Krazeise


In the past, lecture capture was a one-way conversation. The instructor would record her lesson in the same way in which it would have been presented in the classroom. Students would watch it (hopefully) and that was that.

But, this kind of passive, broadcast only approach no longer receives a passing grade in the modern classroom. The latest lecture capture technology like Echo360 helps make learning outside of class more productive and learning inside of class more engaging.

Here are just a few capabilities that state-of-the art lecture capture technology should have to boost student engagement:

  • It should allow the instructor to ask (and answer) questions, create polls, etc. and let students answer those questions on a device of their choosing (phone, tablet, laptop, etc.). It is after all, a BYOD world!
  • It should allow the student to ask questions anonymously (nobody wants to look like they don’t understand, right?) and mark content that is confusing.
  • It should allow the student to take notes along with lecture video and slides and create a personalized study guide for review later.
  • And, it should allow the instructor to see who is watching recorded lectures, who’s taking notes, who’s participating, and create a customized engagement score for each student in class.

If you’re thinking about implementing lecture capture at your institution, you have to be able to do more than just record videos. You need to connect and engage with your students and help them learn wherever and whenever they want.