Active Learning Blog

Leslie's List: Class of 2015 Edition

May 15, 2015 3:12:55 PM by Echo360



It’s that time of year again. Thousands of college students will be filling up arenas at institutions large and small over the next few weeks to finally claim their hard-earned degrees as parents beam proudly from the audience.

So with my sons’ graduation looming in less than 4 weeks, it’s only fitting to pay tribute to the Class of 2015 and leave them with some extra words of wisdom. After all, that’s why you chose higher education. To impart the knowledge and skills students need while cultivating a lifelong love of learning, increasing their odds for success when they enter their chosen profession.

Here are just a few of this week’s best posts as we send the Class of 2015 off to the next exciting phase of their lives:

  • A peek at some of the notable commencement speakers that will be sharing their advice and life lessons learned
  • How some well-known commencement speakers formulate just the right message
  • Good news!  This year's graduates are facing the best job market in a decade
  • This is the time in your life to take risks when it comes to your career
  • First interview lined up? Some words to avoid if you want land a second one

I hope some of these tips leave graduates with some sound advice and encouragement for the future as they leave behind the familiarity and fond memories of their college years. 

Congratulations Class of 2015 - You did it!