Active Learning Blog

Online and Digital Education: They Don't Bite Either!

Oct 15, 2014 6:04:54 AM by Fred Krazeise

Digital and Online Education doesn't bite once you embrace it! 

Have you read the blog by my colleague Mary Young, “Lecture Capture. Try it. It doesn’t bite?” In her post, Mary describes the reasons why many instructors are universally afraid of changing what they do in their classrooms. Educational technology, especially the kind that will record your every word and move, can be intimidating. But when properly employed, the benefits far outweigh the negatives. Capturing course content opens up the whole world of education online, where content can be viewed by students anytime, anywhere, and on any device.

The topics of online / distance education and MOOCs came up frequently at the recent Educause 2014 conference. Just like lecture capture, many educators are skeptical about whether these technologies can have a positive effect on student outcomes. Others may even be fearful that technology will somehow replace the role of the instructor in the classroom.

Two things jumped out at me in a recent article that appeared in Forbes titled “The Top Eight Things You Need To Know About Online Education.” First, online education is here to stay – it’s not going away. Today, one-third of all enrolled students are taking some or all of their classes online. Second, there is no single form of online learning. Formats range from text-based, electronic correspondence courses to highly interactive, multimedia-rich courses.

The growth in online education does not even include innovations occurring inside the digital classroom. Media coverage of MOOCs has drowned out many of these achievements. But, capturing course content enables flipped classrooms, blended learning, and courses designed around active learning. Each of these methods has been shown to increase student engagement by introducing student participation in lectures, and cooperative / collaborative activities within the classroom.

Digital education does not bite. Now more than ever, we need passionate educators to embrace the digital future as they teach and inspire. Technology cannot replace your passion. Great instructors make use of every tool available, including technology, to teach effectively.

Watch our video to see what’s possible. Digital and online education thrives at the University of Toledo.

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