Active Learning Blog

Technology Now Rooted in the Foundations of Higher Education

Apr 28, 2015 7:00:00 AM by Echo360


The higher education classroom is becoming increasingly digital, and many educators believe this is a valuable change. As higher education technology continues to evolve, its impact on the classroom continues to expand. Many leaders in education believe that going digital can actually improve the quality of education. In a recent article for Family Focus, Dr. Lynda Haas comments on four ways she has found that higher education technology is improving her classroom and learning outcomes.

Enhancing the Classroom Experience

The face-to-face classroom experience is only a portion of the time spent learning on the higher education level. Incorporating technology into the classroom expands the role of the instructor and makes the teacher more of a facilitator while keeping students engaged and learning. It also provides greater opportunities for collaboration.

Helping English Language Learners

The number of students on the higher education level who are learning English as a second language is astounding, and it continues to grow. Technology can give these students the opportunity to learn at their own pace, reviewing lectures and other course content anytime and anywhere. 

Ensuring Students Interact with Assignments

College students are always looking for ways to cut costs, and one way is to avoid buying expensive textbooks. With the intent of sharing, many students end up not having access to the materials they need for class. A digital platform may be cheaper, and it gives the instructor a way to track whether or not the students have the right content. Also, the interactive nature of the content ensures students are completing assignments.

Giving Instructors Necessary Data

Instructors are always looking at more effective ways to assess learning outcomes, and technology puts more data in the hands of educators. This allows instructors to identify areas where a particular group of students needs more help, thus allowing the instructor to structure the learning for each individual group.

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